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Office of Inspector General
The Office of Inspector General’s mission is to provide independent, objective, and timely oversight to improve the integrity, accountability, and performance of SBA and its programs for the benefit of the American people.
Report Fraud
About OIG
Read the Office of Inspector General's mission, statutory documents, and congressional accountability. -
The Office of Inspector General produces audit and evaluation reports to support SBA in achieving its statutory mission. -
Pandemic response oversight
Learn about OIG’s oversight of SBA’s programs and operations that are intended to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. -
OIG Hotline
Report fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or misconduct involving SBA programs or employees through our hotline.
Whistleblower Protection
Congressional affairs & media
Get OIG congressional affairs and media information. -
Whistleblower protection
The Office of Inspector General investigates whistleblower claims of waste, fraud or abuse, and provides protection for whistleblowers. -
Protect yourself from scams
Insights and tips on what to lookout for to protect your business from grant fraud, loan fraud, or phishing. -
Connect with OIG
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