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Digital SBA

Learn about SBA's efforts to improve its online capabilities and offerings in the areas of services, mobility, engagement, and security.


The following efforts support the federal government’s aim to enable more efficient and coordinated delivery of digital information across the federal space.

On May 23, 2012, President Obama released a memorandum calling for all government agencies to "identify ways to use innovative technologies to streamline their delivery of services to lower costs, decrease service delivery times, and improve the customer experience." In response to this directive, the federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) released a directive entitled "Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People," which aims to deliver the general public and our government workforce access to government information and services on demand and on any device.

Digital strategy

The SBA Strategic Plan is working to provide better access to information and to improve customer outreach and education. The SBA Information Resources Management (IRM) Strategic Plan directly aligns with goals from the SBA Strategic Plan and reflects the agency’s dedication to optimizing and maintaining SBA’s IT infrastructure, identifying areas for IT efficiency and innovation, and investing in the IT workforce. SBA's efforts in increasing use of digital services and automation, in many instances, has been at the forefront and will build upon the U.S. Digital Government Strategy issued on May 23, 2012.

IT leadership directory

The Bureau IT Leadership Directory for the Small Business Administration provides a directory of all SBA officials with the title of CIO or duties of a CIO.

Name Employment Type Type Of Appointment Other Responsibilities Eval Rating Title Eval Reviewing Title Key Bureau CIO
Steve Kucharski     Chief Information Officer (Acting)      
Luis Campudoni GS-15 Career Deputy Chief Information Officer CIO CIO Yes

Evidence and evaluation directory

To support the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act (2019), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memo M-19-23, and the Federal Data Strategy, SBA posts information about the following officials and publishes agency data governance materials. Learn more about SBA’s program evaluation function.

Name Position Type of Appointment Official Title
Anna Maria Calcagno Chief Data Officer Career Director, Office of Strategic Management and Enterprise Integrity
Shabori Sen Evaluation Officer Career Director, Analysis and Evaluation Division
Anna Maria Calcagno Statistical Official Career Director, Office of Strategic Management and Enterprise Integrity

Integrated agency-wide ICAM governance structure

To support OMB M-19-17 on identity, credential, and access management (ICAM) that consolidates and updates previous policies, SBA has created agency-wide ICAM governance and services. These ensure secure and efficient operations by identifying, credentialing, monitoring, and managing subjects that access federal resources, including information, information systems, facilities, and secured areas across their respective enterprise.

Name Position Type of Appointment Official Title
  ICAM Chair Career Chief Operating Officer
Marcus Alzona ICAM Vice-Chair Career Chief Information Officer
Nathan Davis Core Member Career Chief Financial Officer
Therese Meers  Core Member Career Office of General Counsel
Maurice Turner Core Member Career Chief Information Security Officer
  Core Member Career Office of Administrative Services
Julie Brill Advisory Member Career Chief Human Capital Officer
Doug Roberson Advisory Member Career Chief Technology Officer
Anna Calcagno Advisory Member Career Chief Data Officer
Nauman A. Ansari Advisory Member Career Senior Procurement Executive

Governance board membership

The CIO governance board membership list for SBA provides information about SBA CIO’s membership in governance boards.

Governance Board Program Code Bureau Code CIO Involvment
Investment Review Board (IRB) None 00 SBA developed the Business Technology Investment Council (BTIC) to serve as SBA’s IRB. In addition, the BTIC is established as the principal governance body in managing SBA IT investments. Also, the BTIC is responsible for implementing key provisions of the Clinger-Cohen Act (Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996), 40 USC §1101 et seq and in particular, 40 USC §11312 concerning on Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC), and 40 USC §11315 (C) (2), which charges agencies' CIOs with the duty to, monitor the performance of information technology programs of the agency, evaluate the performance of those programs on the basis of the applicable performance measurements and advise the head of the agency regarding whether to continue, modify or terminate a program or project. The BTIC is co-chaired by CIO and CFO.
Architecture Review Board (ARB) None 00 The OCIO-ARB supports the process of researching, investing, architecting, and implementing IT capabilities and services. Its purpose is to review all business and technical requirements for capabilities and services related to Information Systems and to provide an efficient means of (a) acquiring new and (b) enhancing existing COTS and Custom Information Systems within SBA’s Business System environment.

IT reform cost savings

IT Reform Cost Savings/Avoidance for SBA provides information about cost savings and/or avoidances realized from IT reforms. Cost savings/avoidance are reported per OMB Circular A-131. Cost savings represent reductions in actual expenditures below the projected level of costs to achieve a specific objective. Cost avoidance represents an action taken in the immediate time frame that will decrease costs in the future.


Contract Re-scoping

OMB Initiative: Other

Reduce IT Infrastructure Service & Support

OMB Initiative: Commodity IT

Data Center Optimization

OMB Initiative: Data Center

Reduce IT Infrastructure Service & Support

OMB Initiative: Software License Management

2012 ($M) 0 0 0 0
2013 ($M) 0 0 0 0
2014 ($M) 1 2 0 0
2015 ($M) 0 0 0 0
2016 ($M) 0 0 0 0
2017 ($M) 0.38 4.697 0.975 0
2018 ($M) 0 2.231 0.055 0.565
2019 ($M) 0.2 0.959 0.171 0.498
2020 ($M) 0.355 0 0.009 0.4

DCOI Strategic Plan

The DCOI Strategic Plan covers SBA efforts to transition to more efficient infrastructure, such as cloud services and inter-agency shared services; to leverage technology advancements to optimize infrastructure; and to provide quality services for the public good.

Optimization Metrics

Fiscal year Energy Metering Planned Energy Metering Achieved Virtualization Planned Virtualization Achieved Under-Utilized Servers Planned Under-Utilized Servers Achieved Availability Planned Availability Achieved
FY 2019 1 1 204 204 134 89 99.90% 99.93%
FY 2020 1 1 50 50 119 45 99.90% 99.96%
FY 2021 1 1 55 55 100 40 99.90% 99.90%

Cost Savings (in Millions of Dollars)

Fiscal Year Reduced Power Consumption Planned Reduced Power Consumption Achieved Repurposed Contracts Planned Repurposed Contracts Achieved Total Planned Total Achieved
FY 2016 0 0 0 0 0 0
FY 2017 0.04 0.049 0.926 0.926 0.966 0.975
FY 2018 0.065 0.055 0.926 0 0.991 0.055
FY 2019 0.03 0.01 0 0.161 0.03 0.171
FY 2020 0.004 0.009 0 0 0.004 0.009
FY 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0

Data Center Closures by Year

Fiscal year # Cumulative Tiered Closures
# Cumulative Tiered Closures
FY 2016 0 0
FY 2017 0 0
FY 2018 0 0
FY 2019 1 1
FY 2020 1 1
FY 2021 0 0

Open data sources

Learn more about SBA’s activities to make data resources available for public use and to improve its online capabilities and offerings in the areas of services, mobility, engagement, and security. Access resources related to agency data and to the federal government policies and directives for opening data to the public:

SBA open data

Security and privacy

SBA will continue to mature and integrate effective security and privacy measures into the design and use of new technologies and solutions, including mobile devices, applications, and wireless networks. SBA is working diligently to continuously enhance the security of its data assets to protect against risks and ensure the availability, integrity, confidentiality, and continuity of its digital services and resources.

Governance approach summary and documentation

The Business Technology Investment Council (BTIC) and the Business Technology Investment Advisory Committee (BTI-AC) are the executive oversight bodies for the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Information Technology Investment Management (ITIM) processes and transformational Business processes which constitute the agency’s Enterprise Architecture (EA). In direct response to the Digital Strategy Milestone #4.2 outlined in the, May 23, 2012 Digital Government: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People strategy document, SBA has decided to incorporate digital services into these two governing bodies existing policies and procedures. Both the BTIC and BTI-AC have updated their defined scope of authority, core principles and roles and responsibilities to reinforce the establishment of the agency’s commitment to digital services governance structure to:

  • Set specific measurable goals for delivering better services at lower costs
  • Establish agency-wide standards for content lifecycle management, adoption of third-party online tools, mobile application delivery and sharing (infrastructure and digital information)

Currently, SBA is developing a supplemental document for formal review and approval that will serve as an appendix to our existing BTIC Charter. This document will serve as both a process document and a checklist that the BTIC membership will use to review all existing and new investments to ensure that they provide valued services, interoperability, and openness to provide the best tools and information to the American public.

Última actualización 21 de febrero de 2025