Independientemente de dónde se encuentre nuestro personal, su compromiso es el mismo: ayudar a los estadounidenses a iniciar, construir y hacer crecer sus negocios. Al llevar a cabo la misión de la SBA todos los días, trabajamos juntos para abogar por las pequeñas empresas, empoderar el espíritu empresarial en cada comunidad y brindar los resultados necesarios para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas del país a tener éxito. Conozca a algunos de nuestros líderes en esta sección en inglés.
Oficina central de la SBA
Name | Title | Office |
Kelly Loeffler | SBA Administrator | Office of the Administrator |
Wesley Coopersmith | Chief of Staff | Office of the Administrator |
Ben Grayson | Deputy Chief of Staff | Office of the Administrator |
Hailey Ghee | Deputy Chief of Staff for Implementation | Office of the Administrator |
Tyler Teresa | White House Liaison | Office of the Administrator |
Samuel Paepke | Deputy White House Liaison | Office of the Administrator |
Robin Wright | Chief Operating Officer | Office of the Administrator |
Major Clark | Deputy Chief Counsel for Advocacy (Performing the non-exclusive functions and duties of the Chief Counsel for Advocacy) | Office of Advocacy |
Thomas Kimsey | Associate Administrator | Office of Capital Access |
John Miller | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of Capital Access |
Dianna Seaborn | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of Capital Access |
Julie Brill | Chief Human Capital Officer (Acting) | Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer |
Julie Brill | Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer | Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer |
Douglas Robertson | Deputy Chief Information Officer (Acting) | Office of the Chief Information Officer |
Caitlin O'Dea | Associate Administrator | Office of Communications & Public Liaison |
Michael Joyce | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of Communications & Public Liaison |
Kirk McElwain | Deputy Associate Administrator (Acting) | Office of Communications & Public Liaison |
Robby Wehagen, III | Associate Administrator | Office of Congressional & Legislative Affairs |
James Stallings | Associate Administrator | Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience |
Rafaela Monchek | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience |
Paul Fitzpatrick | Associate Administrator | Office of Entrepreneurial Development |
Jack Bienko | Deputy Associate Administrator (Acting) | Office of Entrepreneurial Development |
Lisa Shimkat | Associate Administrator | Office of Field Operations |
Victor Parker | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of Field Operations |
Jorge Pinon | Special Assistant | Office of Field Operations |
Wendell Davis | General Counsel | Office of General Counsel |
John Klein | Deputy General Counsel | Office of General Counsel |
Larry Stubblefield | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of Government Contracting & Business Development |
Kimberly P. Mcleod | Assistant Administrator | Office of Hearings & Appeals |
Vacant | Inspector General | Office of Inspector General |
Sheldon Shoemaker | Deputy Inspector General | Office of Inspector General |
Shafee Carnegie | Assistant Inspector General for Investigations | Office of Inspector General |
Andrea Deadwyler | Assistant Inspector General for Audits | Office of Inspector General |
Hala Nsouli | Assistant Inspector General for Technology Solutions | Office of Inspector General |
Francine Hines | Assistant Inspector General for Management and Operations | Office of Inspector General |
Lisa Shimkat | Associate Administrator (Acting) | Office of International Trade |
Mina Wales | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of International Trade |
Frank Salomone | Associate Administrator | Office of Investment and Innovation |
Matthew Stevens | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of Investment and Innovation |
Michele Schimpp | National Ombudsman | Office of the National Ombudsman |
Diane Cullo | Assistant Administrator | Office of Native American Affairs |
Nathan Davis | Chief Financial Officer & Chief Risk Officer | Office of Performance, Planning, and the Chief Financial Officer |
Deborah Chen | Deputy Chief Financial Officer | Office of Performance, Planning, and the Chief Financial Officer |
Bruce Purdy | Associate Administrator | Office of Small Business Development Centers |
Nancyellen Gentile | Deputy Associate Administrator | Office of Small Business Development Centers |
Elias Hernandez | Associate Administrator | Office of Veterans Business Development |
Timothy Green | Deputy Assistant Administrator | Office of Veterans Business Development |
Lori Gillen | Assistant Administrator (Acting) | Office of Women's Business Ownership |
Ray Milano | Deputy Assistant Administrator (Acting) | Office of Women's Business Ownership |
SBA Regional Offices
Name | Title | Office |
Peter Steele | Regional Administrator | New England Regional Office |
Matt Coleman | Regional Administrator | Atlantic Regional Office |
Kelly Hunt | Regional Administrator (Acting) | Mid-Atlantic Regional Office |
Janita Stewart | Regional Administrator (Acting) | Southeast Regional Office |
Everett Woodel | Regional Administrator | Great Lakes Regional Office |
Justin Crossie | Regional Administrator | South Central Regional Office |
Brad Zaun | Regional Administrator | Great Plains Regional Office |
Al Haut | Regional Administrator (Acting) | Rocky Mountain Regional Office |
Steven Snow | Regional Administrator | Pacific Regional Office |
Apollo Fuhriman | Regional Administrator | Pacific Northwest Regional Office |