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Office of Inspector General Hotline

Report fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or misconduct involving SBA programs or employees.


Submit a complaint

Report fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement of federal funds involving SBA programs, operations, or personnel to the SBA OIG Hotline. Information collected through the Hotline helps keep the SBA OIG aware of risks and trends that affect the SBA’s programs.

Before you begin, make sure you have the following information available:

  • SBA program being affected by your complaint;
  • Name and contact information of the person, business, or department that the complaint is against;
  • Narrative explaining the nature, scope, and time frame of the activity in question; and
  • Any attachments or documentation to support your complaint.

Please note you are not required to disclose personally identifying information when submitting your complaint to the OIG, and the OIG does not automatically capture such information in its intake processes. Anonymous reports are, however, more difficult for us to process as we are not able to clarify initial reports or obtain follow-up information.

Learn About SBA Fraud (Video) and Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse

Online Complaint Submission System

Report fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or misconduct involving SBA programs or employees.

Important Information Regarding Complaint Submission

OIG's Online Complaint Submission System is fully automated. OIG will no longer accept complaints submitted by email and phone.

Other Ways to Submit Complaints:

By Mail or Courier*
Office of Inspector General
409 3rd Street, SW, Suite 7150
Washington, DC 20416

COVID-19 UPDATE:  Please note, complaints received by physical mail will experience a processing delay.  The Online Complaint Submission System is the most efficient method for submitting complaints to the OIG Hotline.

*Note:  By U.S. mail, specified courier, or in person are the only authorized means for a person to file a complaint to the SBA OIG involving national security or "classified" information.  Please ensure you follow all restrictions applicable to the classification level of material within your complaint when submitting a report to the SBA OIG Hotline.  32 C.F.R. Part 2001.  Top Secret materials, for example, may not be sent via U.S. mail.  32 C.F.R. § 2001.46(c)(1).

Regardless of the method by which you submit your complaint, the OIG will treat your identity confidentially as a default; however, you may elect to waive confidentiality, which may facilitate our ability to conduct a timely and thorough review of your complaint.  The OIG will not release your name outside of the OIG without your prior consent unless you waive confidentiality or we determine that such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.

Next steps after submitting a complaint

If you provided contact information, OIG personnel may contact you to obtain additional information that may assist us in reviewing or investigating your complaint. If you did not initially waive confidentiality, OIG personnel may contact you to discuss your decision to submit a confidential complaint in order for us to better address the complaint or further a review or investigation.

Complaint Submission Number

The Complaint Submission Number is a unique number that identifies your complaint. If you need to submit new or additional information to the Hotline regarding your complaint, it is best to reference this number in your communication for reference purposes.

Review process

The Hotline conducts a preliminary review of the information as well as any evidence of wrongdoing you submitted to our office. The Hotline subsequently coordinates any necessary in-depth review by officials responsible for conducting investigations, audits, inspections, evaluations, or other reviews. If you waive confidentiality, the opportunity for the OIG to seek action by SBA program officials or entities outside of the SBA to address the complaint may be possible in instances that the OIG determines further internal review or action is not warranted or possible.

Hotline complaint updates

Due to confidentiality and privacy concerns and to preserve the integrity of our reviews and investigations, the OIG does not provide updates on hotline complaints or investigations. 

Other concerns not involving fraud, waste or abuse involving SBA's programs or operations

If you have a question regarding an SBA loan or any SBA program, please contact your local SBA District Office or the SBA Answer Desk by telephone, 1-800-U-ASK-SBA (1-800-827-5722), by email,, or speak with an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter via videophone at 855-440-4960. For information specific to disaster loans, visit the SBA Disaster Loan Customer Service Center or call 1-800-659-2955.

If you are a small business facing unfair or excessive federal regulatory compliance or enforcement issues such as repetitive audits or investigations, excessive fines and retaliation, the SBA National Ombudsman may be able to assist you.

If you suspect fraud, waste, or abuse involving personnel or programs of a federal agency other than the SBA, you may make a complaint directly to the Office of Inspector General of that agency. Locate the OIG of the federal agency involved in your complaint, or report it to the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

If you are having a problem with a product or service purchased from a business or merchant, you should contact your state or local government's consumer affairs department, state attorney general's office, or local Better Business Bureau.

You may also consider contacting the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is the nation’s consumer protection agency. Complaints about fraud, scams, phishing, identity theft, unwanted telemarketing, credit or debt issues, or other unfair business practices may be submitted to

Additional information on identity theft.

Whistleblower protection

If you are a Federal employee, or employee of a contractor, subcontractor, or grantee submitting information to the SBA OIG regarding fraud waste or abuse in the SBA’s programs or operations, you are probably a whistleblower.  Please be aware, however that specific criteria apply to whistleblower protections afforded by law.  For example, disclosures by current and former federal employees, applicants for federal employment, and employees of a federal contractor, subcontractor, or grantee have special meaning and protections.

The Office of Inspector General investigates whistleblower claims of waste, fraud or abuse, and provides protection for whistleblowers. Learn more about Whistleblower Protection.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request

You can submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request online or by mail. Please note that we are only able to provide records within SBA OIG system of records. 

Office of Inspector General
409 3rd Street, SW, Suite 7150
Washington, DC 20416

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Última actualización 14 de marzo de 2025