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Portland District

Services we provide

Our office provides help with SBA services including funding programs, counseling, federal contracting certifications, and disaster recovery. We can also connect you to our partner organizations, lenders, and other community groups that help small businesses succeed.

Areas we serve

The Portland District Office services 30 counties in Oregon and four counties in southwestern Washington. The northern counties in Washington are serviced by the Seattle District Office. The easternmost six counties in Oregon are serviced by the Boise District Office.

Office locations

For help or to set up an appointment

Send us a message
  • Portland

    • Appointment only

    419 SW 11th Avenue
    Suite 310
    Portland, OR 97205

    View Map
    Phone: 503-326-2682

Our staff

  • Martin Golden

    District Director
  • Samuel Goldstein

    Deputy District Director

Doing business in our area

Learn how to register your business, access state and federal resources, and find lenders in our area.

Explore our guide

Upcoming events

News and updates

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Success stories

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