Phoenix Awards

Information about eligibility and nomination instructions for the Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery, Mitigation, Public Official and Volunteer.


  • The Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery is given to a business owner whose efforts and contributions have enabled their business to recover successfully from a disaster.  
  • The Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery - Mitigation is given to a business owner whose efforts and contributions have enabled their business to successfully mitigate the effects of a disaster. 
  • The Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery by a Public Official is given to an individual whose efforts and contributions have enabled their community to recover successfully from a disaster.
  • The Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery by a Volunteer is given to an individual whose efforts and contributions have enabled their community to recover successfully from a disaster.

Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery

Who is eligible to be nominated?

  1. Any legal resident of the United States or its Territories who owns and operates or who bears principal responsibility for operating a small business that suffered physical damage following a disaster during the previous fiscal year and received an SBA physical disaster loan may be nominated. Partners who jointly own and operate a small business may be nominated as a “team,” so long as the number of individuals in the team nomination does not exceed four (4). 
  2. Businesses that suffered a physical disaster loss and received an SBA disaster loan during fiscal years 2022 through 2024.
  3. Business that suffered losses in a disaster that occurred during fiscal year 2021 or 2022 but did not receive an SBA disaster loan until fiscal year 2023. 

Who is NOT eligible to be nominated for this award?

Individuals or firms who are currently suspended or debarred by the Federal government.

Who may submit nominations?

  1. Individuals or organizations dedicated to the support of the small business community in the United States, such as trade and professional associations and business organizations, may submit nominations for this award.
  2. Individuals may self-nominate for this award.

What information must the nomination package contain?

Nominations must contain the information below. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

  1. A completed SBA Form 3300, Award Nominee Background form. For “team” nominations, a background form is required for each team member; 
  2. A completed Authorization, Grant & Release of Materials form. For “team” nominations, a release form is required for each team member. 
  3. A completed SBA Form 3303, Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery nomination form.
  4. Documentation supporting approval of the SBA disaster loan;
  5. An original 8 in. x 10 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. photo of the nominee or a digital photo – at least 300 dpi is required; photocopies are not acceptable. For “team” nominations, a photo of each nominee or group photo is acceptable; 
  6. If possible, photos documenting the disaster damage and photos of the rebuilt property; and
  7. Additional supporting documentation deemed significant by the nominator, including news clips, letters of recommendation, nomination letter (if not self-nominated), and other evidence of the appropriateness of the nomination. Supporting documentation may not exceed 10 pages.
  8. Follow the instructions under Submission instructions and deadline.

What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

  1. Resiliency — The business successfully resumed its operations within the same geographic area
  2. Extent of damage — The business suffered at least 40% physical damage
  3. Staying Power — The business was able to maintain at least 90% of its pre-disaster employment level or has plans to rehire employees, attaining 90% of its pre-disaster employment level
  4. Contribution to the local community (e.g., the only supermarket in town, a major source of employment in the city, etc.)
  5. Speed of recovery
  6. Initiative and innovation displayed during recovery
  7. Efforts made by the business to protect the property from future disaster losses

What are the selection procedures?

The Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery winner will be selected at the Field and National levels.

  1. Phoenix Award nominees for Small Business Disaster Recovery are selected by the corresponding SBA Disaster Field Operations Center.
  2. Winners will be selected by the SBA Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance, based on the recommendations of a panel of judges comprised of federal employees.

Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery - Mitigation

Who is eligible to be nominated?

  1. Any legal resident of the United States or its Territories who owns and operates or who bears principal responsibility for operating a small business that suffered physical damage following a disaster during the previous fiscal year and received an SBA physical disaster loan may be nominated. Partners who jointly own and operate a small business may be nominated as a “team,” so long as the number of individuals in the team nomination does not exceed four (4).
  2. Businesses that suffered a physical disaster loss and received an SBA disaster loan during fiscal years 2020 through 2024. 
  3. Businesses in either period specified above that received loss-reduction (“Mitigation”) funding to make their small business more resilient from future events will be given additional consideration.

Who is NOT eligible to be nominated for this award?

Individuals or firms who are currently suspended or debarred by the Federal government.

Who may submit nominations?

  1. Individuals or organizations dedicated to the support of the small business community in the United States, such as trade and professional associations and business organizations, may submit nominations for this award.
  2. Individuals may self-nominate for this award.

What information must the nomination package contain?

Nominations must contain the information below. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

  1. A completed SBA Form 3300, Award Nominee Background form. For “team” nominations, a background form is required for each team member; 
  2. A completed Authorization, Grant & Release of Materials form. For “team” nominations, a release form is required for each team member. 
  3. A completed SBA Form 3303, Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery nomination form.
  4. Documentation supporting approval of the SBA disaster loan;
  5. An original 8 in. x 10 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. photo of the nominee or a digital photo – at least 300 dpi is required; photocopies are not acceptable. For “team” nominations, a photo of each nominee or group photo is acceptable; 
  6. If possible, photos documenting the disaster damage and photos of the rebuilt property; and
  7. Additional supporting documentation deemed significant by the nominator, including news clips, letters of recommendation, nomination letter (if not self-nominated), and other evidence of the appropriateness of the nomination. Supporting documentation may not exceed 10 pages. 
  8. Follow the instructions under Submission instructions and deadline.

What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

  1. Resiliency — The business successfully resumed its operations within the same geographic area Extent of damage — The business suffered at least 40% physical damage
  2. Staying Power — The business was able to maintain at least 90% of its pre-disaster employment level or has plans to rehire employees, attaining 90% of its pre-disaster employment level
  3. Contribution to the local community (e.g., the only supermarket in town, a major source of employment in the city, etc.)
  4. Speed of recovery
  5. Initiative and innovation displayed during recovery
  6. Efforts made by the business to protect the property from future disaster losses
  7. Businesses that accepted mitigation funding to rebuild, using measures to reduce their risk from future events.

What are the selection procedures?

The Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery - Mitigation winner will be selected at the Field and National levels.

  1. Phoenix Award nominees for Small Business Disaster Recovery - Mitigation are selected by the corresponding SBA Disaster Field Operations Center.
  2. Winners will be selected by the SBA Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance, based on the recommendations of a panel of judges comprised of federal employees.

Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery, Public Official

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Nominees for this award must meet the following eligibility requirements: 
A public official may be nominated for his/her outstanding contribution to a community’s recovery following a natural disaster which occurred during fiscal years 2022, 2023 or 2024. 
For purposes of this award, a public official is a person who has been elected to carry out some portion of a government’s powers, whether Federal, state, or local, or a person who has been appointed to a position at the Federal, state, or local level of government. In some cities, mayors or city council members are appointed, not elected. These “non-elected” officials are also eligible.

Who is NOT eligible to be nominated for this award?

1) Corporate entities; or
2) Individuals who are currently suspended or debarred by the Federal government.

Who may submit nominations?

  1. Individuals or organizations dedicated to the support of the small business community in the United States, such as trade and professional associations and business organizations, may submit nominations for this award.
  2. Individuals may self-nominate for this award.

What information must the nomination package contain?

Nominations must contain the information below. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

  1. A completed SBA Form 3300, Award Nominee Background form. For “team” nominations, a background form is required for each team member; 
  2. A completed Authorization, Grant & Release of Materials form. For “team” nominations, a release form is required for each team member. 
  3. A completed SBA Form 3304, Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery, Public Official nomination form.
  4. An original 8 in. x 10 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. photo of the nominee or a digital photo – at least 300 dpi is required; photocopies are not acceptable. For “team” nominations, a photo of each nominee or group photo is acceptable; and
  5. Additional supporting documentation deemed significant by the nominator, including news clips, letters of recommendation, nomination letter (if not self-nominated), and other evidence of the appropriateness of the nomination. Supporting documentation may not exceed 10 pages. 
  6. Follow the instructions under Submission instructions and deadline.

What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

In evaluating the nomination packages, the judges will look at the following criteria:

  1. Took quick, proactive steps to establish calm in the aftermath of the disaster;
  2. Functioned as an organized and focused leader, communicating effectively with local and federal emergency responders while coordinating rescue and recovery efforts;
  3. Gave selflessly of his/her time, energy, and skills to protect and reassure the public;
  4. Was deeply involved in the long-term recovery and future disaster preparedness of the community; and
  5. Effectively utilized disaster preparedness and readiness measures.

What are the selection procedures?

The Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery, Public Official will be selected at the Field and National levels.

  1. Phoenix Award nominees for Small Business Disaster Recovery are selected by the corresponding SBA Disaster Field Operations Center.
  2. Winners will be selected by the SBA Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance, based on the recommendations of a panel of judges comprised of federal employees.

Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery, Volunteer

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Nominees for this award must meet the following eligibility requirements: 
A private-citizen volunteer may be nominated for his/her outstanding contribution to a community’s recovery following a natural disaster which occurred during the previous two fiscal years (October 1, 2022-September 30, 2024).  For purposes of this award, a private citizen volunteer is an individual who uses available resources to support the recovery efforts of the community.

Who is NOT eligible to be nominated for this award?

1) Corporate entities; or
2) Individuals who are currently suspended or debarred by the Federal government.

Who may submit nominations?

  1. Individuals or organizations dedicated to the support of the small business community in the United States, such as trade and professional associations and business organizations, may submit nominations for this award.
  2. Individuals may self-nominate for this award.

What information must the nomination package contain?

Nominations must contain the information below. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

  1. A completed SBA Form 3300, Award Nominee Background form. For “team” nominations, a background form is required for each team member; 
  2. A completed Authorization, Grant & Release of Materials form. For “team” nominations, a release form is required for each team member. 
  3. A completed SBA Form 3305, Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery, Volunteer nomination form.
  4. An original 8 in. x 10 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. photo of the nominee or a digital photo – at least 300 dpi is required; photocopies are not acceptable; and
  5. Additional supporting documentation deemed significant by the nominator, including news clips, letters of recommendation, nomination letter (if not self-nominated), and other evidence of the appropriateness of the nomination. Supporting documentation may not exceed 10 pages. 
  6. Follow the instructions under Submission instructions and deadline.

What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

In evaluating the nomination packages, the judges will look at the following criteria:

  1. Took the initiative, in the face of their own losses and/or risk, to coordinate the gathering and distribution of food, water, clothing, cleaning supplies, and other survival essentials to disaster victims;
  2. Creatively used their own resources toward providing assistance to those in need;
  3. Reached out to local media, elected officials, and those not affected by the disaster to expand the circle of recovery support; and
  4. Selflessly, consistently and tirelessly worked to help as many disaster victims as possible to take the first steps toward rebuilding their lives.

What are the selection procedures?

The Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery, Volunteer will be selected at the Field and National levels.

  1. Phoenix Award nominees for Small Business Disaster Recovery are selected by the corresponding SBA Disaster Field Operations Center.
  2. Winners will be selected by the SBA Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance, based on the recommendations of a panel of judges comprised of federal employees.

Submission instructions and deadline

Where are the nominations to be sent? 

All nominations for Phoenix Awards must be submitted electronically via the Phoenix Awards upload link. Nominations should be submitted as one single file

When is the deadline for nominations?

Nominations must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. ET on December 5, 2024.

Need help?

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Last updated September 11, 2024