Launch your business
Turn your business into a reality. Learn about the paperwork and processes you need to take care of before you can start doing business.
Pick your business location
Your business location determines zoning laws, taxes and regulations. -
Choose a business structure
Select a business structure that gives you the right balance of legal protections and benefits. -
Choose your business name
Your name is part of your brand, so think about how you’ll use it to best serve your business. -
Register your business
Now you’ve decided on your name, structure, and location, register your business as a distinct legal entity. -
Get federal and state tax ID numbers
Set up your IDs to allow your small business to pay state and federal taxes. -
Apply for licenses and permits
These depend on laws, location, and activities, and vary at the state and federal level. -
Open a business bank account
Stay compliant and protected once your business is ready to accept or spend money. -
Get business insurance
Protect yourself from the unexpected costs of accidents, natural disasters, and lawsuits.