Grants for community organizations

Learn about SBA grants for community organizations and cooperative agreements that support small business growth and development.


COVID-19 relief programs

Please visit our COVID-19 relief options page for information about COVID-19 financial assistance programs for businesses, non-profits, and faith-based organizations.

Organizations supporting veteran-owned small businesses

Boots to Business (B2B) 

This funding opportunity is addressed exclusively to Boots to Business (B2B) grantees. Through this program, SBA supports your organization for a period of five years. Learn more about B2B.

Service-Disabled Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Program (SDVETP)

This cooperative agreement aims to support organizations that currently deliver entrepreneurship training programs to service-disabled veteran entrepreneurs who aspire to be small business owners or currently own a small business. Learn more about SDVETP.

Veterans Business Outreach Centers (VBOC)

The Veterans Business Outreach Centers Cooperative Agreement provides quality counseling assistance and training events, particularly B2B events to transitioning service personnel and spouses of veterans, veteran and service-disabled small business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn more about Veterans Business Outreach Centers.

Veteran Federal Procurement Entrepreneur Training Program (VFPETP)

This funding opportunity is for current Veteran Federal Procurement Entrepreneur Training Program (VFPETP) recipient organizations only, with an initial 12-month period and two option years of 12 months each. There are currently two procurement programs available through this award: procurement opportunity training for start-up small businesses and procurement training for established small firms. Learn more about VFPETP.

Women Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Program (WVETP)

Offered by SBA’s Office of Veterans Business Development (OVBD), this funding opportunity supports each organization’s entrepreneurial training programs for women who are veterans, service members, and spouses of veterans and service members. Each awardee was chosen based on their demonstrated history of and commitment to providing training programs and resources to women. Learn more about WVETP.

Organizations supporting small business innovation

Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program

This is a one-year funding opportunity for organizations to execute state/regional programs that increase the number of SBIR (innovation)/STTR (research and development) proposals; increase the number of SBIR/STTR awards; and better prepare SBIR/STTR awardees for commercial success. Learn more about the FAST funding opportunity.

Resource Partners


This is a funding opportunity for a current recipient of an SBA SCORE award. In order to be eligible, you must be a current recipient of SBA funding to SCORE. For-profit businesses are not eligible for this award. Learn more about SCORE.

SBDC Northeast California

In order to fill the vacancy of the Host Institution for Northeast California SBDC Program, SBA invites proposals for funding from eligible entities that are institutions of higher education and Women’s Business Centers. Learn more about the SBDC Program in Northeast California.

SBDC Pennsylvania

In order to fill the vacancy of the Host Institution for Pennsylvania SBDC Program, SBA invites proposals for funding from eligible entities which are institutions of higher education and Women’s Business Centers. Learn more about the SBDC Program in Pennsylvania.

Portable Assistance Program

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to invite proposals for funding from entities currently funded by SBA as a Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Lead Center. Each proposal must describe recent, serious economic conditions resulting from diminished business or government operations within a discrete area served by an SBDC network. Proposals must include detailed plans to deliver technical assistance to the affected area with corresponding objectives and milestones to be accomplished. Learn more about the Portable Assistance Program.

Program for Investors in Microentrepeneurs (PRIME)

PRIME is a competitive grant that is offered yearly, subject to available funds. Announcements are posted to in either April or May of each year. The grant provides funding for nonprofit microenterprise development organizations run either privately, or by state, local, tribal governments, or Indian tribes.
Funds are to help these organizations provide either

  • capacity-building to microenterprise development organizations, or
  • training, technical assistance, and guidance to disadvantaged microentrepreneurs.

Faith-based organizations that meet all PRIME eligibility criteria can compete for PRIME funding. Learn more about PRIME.

See our lists of past PRIME grantees.

Commonly used forms maintains a database of the forms you may need when applying for an award. 

Terms and Conditions

There are specific requirements for recipients of an SBA grant. Make sure you can meet the legal and administrative prerequisites before you apply. Review the full terms and conditions for SBA grant programs.

You should also understand the uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards.

Last updated February 28, 2025