Office of Entrepreneurship Education

The Office of Entrepreneurship Education provides entrepreneurial information and education, resources and tools to help small businesses succeed.

Mission statement

The Office of Entrepreneurship Education's mission is to provide entrepreneurial information and education, resources and tools to help small businesses succeed. The office is an integral component of Entrepreneurial Development's network of training and counseling services.

About our office

The Office of Entrepreneurship Education (OEE) develops and promotes innovative resources for small business owners and prospective entrepreneurs. These resources are designed to assist in the start-up, management, and growth of small businesses. Such resources include specialized training sessions, distance learning, written materials, websites, other means of providing business development, business management, and business growth information.

Key initiatives


Contact us

Office of Entrepreneurship Education
409 3rd St. SW, Suite 6200
Washington, DC 20416

Phone: 202-205-6665(Link opens phone app)

Last updated February 12, 2025