Creative Digital Solutions in the North Country

When you meet Chad Fillion, owner of Phlume MEDIA, you immediately know he is not one to just sit back and run the business behind the scenes. He is right there on the front lines producing live events, programming web sites, filming performances or events, hosting training sessions, and constantly finding innovative ways to grow. Established in 2004, Phlume MEDIA began as a music management company (Phlume Artist Management) helping to market seacoast bands in the Boston music scene. Reimagined in 2017 and moved to Lancaster, Phlume MEDIA has developed into a full-service creative agency for Northern NH. They specialize in video/film production & live streaming, and offer web development, graphic design, social media management and digital marketing services. They cover live events such as high school sports, seminars and speaking engagements, theatrical performances and concerts, municipal events, and educational content for students within NH. With a full studio on site, they provide north country businesses with a suite of digital creation services. Studio guests looking for production services have access to a fleet of HD cameras, teleprompters to guide their message on camera, a full stage with lighting, furniture options & props/set dressings to help share their message through video. Live productions can also be filmed at the Lancaster space with video teleconferencing options, customized motion graphics and animations, along with the assistance of his staff to help with production. Phlume MEDIA also offers filming on location for live streaming and broadcasting events to audiences all around the state and beyond.
Live streaming coverage of a variety of NH High School sports are one of their special services. Equipped with a mobile unit, several live cameras, and 7-8 staff members they capture the fields and courts from a variety of angles controlling them remotely, manning them at tripods, or on wireless gimbals. They add the scoring and a full statistical analysis on each player which is then broadcasted to their online portal and rebroadcasted to their own Roku channel.
Phlume MEDIA stays very busy offering its creative services in the North Country. The ‘North Country Local’ (NCL) is their website and Facebook-based community forum for consumers in the ‘North Country of Vermont and NH’. This platform serves as a gateway to services for smaller main street businesses through Facebook contests, listings of local events, blogs, and networking opportunities. The current campaign on their site is the “Recipe Roundup” and is designed to be played at local farmers markets. The game encourages users to find different ingredients listed on specially designed roundup cards that are available on their web site. Then participants go to local farmers markets to find the ingredients, and upload images of the items to play. They then earn points to “buy” the recipe that the ingredients go to. The game is popular and designed to be played anywhere, not just in the North Country and is a wonderful past time for families to participate in at local markets during the summer.
Phlume MEDIA is also a ‘Recovery Friendly Workplace’ (RFW). Phlume recognizes the need for stigma-free work environments for individuals on a path towards recovery. As a person in recovery himself, Chad knows of the value of a safe workplace while life can be difficult and confusing in early sobriety. The RFW program helps staff connect to services to help facilitate in their recovery and creates an open-door program for staff struggling to come for help without a fear of reprimand or discrimination because of unhealthy choices surrounding addiction problems.
When Spring of 2020 rolled in, they had to shut down, with much of the world for nearly 3 months. The SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans from Woodsville Guaranty Bank helped them survive through the pandemic and keep everyone working. “Without the funding that was presented to us from the PPP program and the Main Street Grants, we would not have been able to continue offering services to those that needed it the most during the pandemic. Our streaming services grew from necessity for local churches, non-profits, and other local businesses. Thanks to the funding we could continue, we were able to help organizations like the Rotary clubs in Littleton and Lancaster, AHEAD, North Country Health Consortium and provide live programming where there had not been any before,” explained Chad. For more information visit For more information on Recovery Friendly Workplace.