Success stories
Beauty and the Sheep
Tucked away on a hilltop in Hartland, VT, sit five stand-alone cabins offering breathtaking views of the Green Mountain State. It is rare for one to be unoccupied. But the owners of these cabins, Todd...
The Road To Success Is Paved
Ten years ago, a newly established business didn’t have trucks, employees, or even a paver, which seems like it would be pretty important if that new business is a paving company. “But we did have...
Specialty Foods Are Their Jam
Raspberry with Wild Bergamot Flower, and Jalapeño & Lime may not seem like typical jam flavors, but it is unique offerings like these that have made a Windsor Vermont jam maker a consistent national...
BTV Climate Tech Firm Sold
Some mission-driven entrepreneurs could never imagine selling their growing business, whereas other entrepreneurs start an enterprise with the primary goal to sell it one day. It appears Paul Hines...
VT Fitness Studio Bouncing Back After Pandemic
Every new year millions of Americans vow this is the year they are going to lose weight, join a gym and workout every day, and yet every year in the middle of February about 80% of Americans who made...
COVID Forces Boat Builders To Innovate
As COVID-19 spread across the state in 2020 closing schools, restaurants, theaters and countless other places of employment the pandemic forced Vermonters to learn and work from their homes. When it...
VT Salumi Purchases Historic Barre Building
By Danny Monahan Small Business Administration Vermont District Office The Small Business Administration approved more 504 loans in Vermont during fiscal year 2021 than in any other year the past...
EIDL Assists Inn During Pandemic
By Danny Monahan Small Business Administration Vermont District Office Following a stateside disaster declaration on March 20 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Phil Scott informed small business...