Government Contracting Awards

Information about eligibility and nomination instructions for the Federal Procurement Awards given out during NSBW.


Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Award

The Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Award honors small businesses that have provided the government with outstanding goods and services as prime contractors.

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Firms must be defined as “small” according to applicable SBA size standards. For more information, contact the nearest Government Contracting Area Office

Who is NOT eligible to be nominated?   

  1. Firms that have received this award within the past three years or 
  2. Individuals or firms who are currently suspended or debarred by the Federal government. 

Who may submit nominations?

Federal agencies may nominate firms for the Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Award. 

  1. Each Federal agency location may nominate one firm for this award. 
  2. Small businesses may request this nomination from their federal agency customer. 
  3. Agencies are not required to support requests from small business. 

What information must the nomination package contain?

Nominations must contain the information below. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

  1. A completed SBA Form 3300, Award Nominee Background form. For “team” nominations, a background form is required for each team member; 
  2. A completed Authorization, Grant & Release of Materials form. For “team” nominations, a release form is required for each team member. 
  3. A completed SBA Form 3306, Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Award nomination form.
  4. An original 8 in. x 10 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. photo of the nominee or a digital photo – at least 300 dpi is required; photocopies are not acceptable; and
  5. Any other supporting documentation deemed significant by the nominator, including news clips, letters of recommendation, and other evidence of the appropriateness of the nomination. Supporting documentation must not exceed 10 pages. 

Where are the nominations to be sent?

All nominations for the Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Award must be submitted electronically to the Contracting Awards upload link. Nominations should be scanned and submitted as one full document. Photo should be submitted as a separate attachment.

When is the deadline for nominations?

Nominations must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. ET, December 5, 2024.

What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

In evaluating the nomination packages, the judges will look at the following criteria: 

  1. Contract Performance 
    1. Overall satisfaction of the contract requirements as specified by the customer and 
    2. Customer Interface (Customer Support). 
  2. Innovativeness of product(s) or service(s) offered: 
    1. Specific description of unique/superior product or service; and 
    2. Explanation of how the product or service fills a niche or a technical need not being adequately addressed by the competition. 
  3. Description of exceptional results and/or delivery performance that makes this company a valued product/service provider. 

What are the selection procedures? 

Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year award winners will be selected at the Regional Government Contracting Area Office and at the national level. 

  1. The Regional Government Contracting Area Offices will select winners to compete at the national level. The nomination packages of regional winners will be transmitted to the Office of Government Contracting for review.
  2. The National Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year will be selected by the SBA Associate Administrator for Government Contracting based on, but not restricted to, the recommendations of a panel of judges of federal employees. 

Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Award

The Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Award honors small businesses that have provided the government with outstanding goods and services as subcontractors.

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Firms must be defined as “small” according to applicable SBA size standards. For more information, contact the nearest Government Contracting Area Office

Who is NOT eligible to be nominated?   

  1. Firms that have received this award within the past three years, or 
  2. Individuals or firms who are currently suspended or debarred by the Federal government.

Who may submit nominations?

Large federal prime contractors may nominate a firm for the Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Award. Each large federal prime contractor may nominate one firm per division/organization/affiliate for the award.

What information must the nomination package contain?

Nominations must contain the information below. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

  1. A completed SBA Form 3300, Award Nominee Background form. For “team” nominations, a background form is required for each team member; 
  2. A completed Authorization, Grant & Release of Materials form. For “team” nominations, a release form is required for each team member. 
  3. A completed SBA Form 3307, Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Award nomination form.
  4. An original 8 in. x 10 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. photo of the nominee or a digital photo – at least 300 dpi is required; photocopies are not acceptable; and 
  5. Any other supporting documentation deemed significant by the nominator, including news clips, letters of recommendation, nomination letter (if not self-nominated), and other evidence of the appropriateness of the nomination. Supporting documentation may not exceed 10 pages. 

Where are the nominations to be sent?

All nominations for the Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Award must be submitted electronically to the Contracting Awards upload link. Nominations should be scanned and submitted as one full document. Photo should be submitted as a separate attachment.

When is the deadline for nominations?

Nominations must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. ET, December 5, 2024.

What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

In evaluating the nomination packages, the judges will look at the following criteria: 

  1. Contract Performance 
    • Overall satisfaction of the contract requirements as specified by the customer. 
    • Customer Interface (Customer Support). 
    • Innovativeness of product(s) or service(s) offered; and 
    • Specific description of unique/superior product or service. 
  2. Explanation of how the product or service fills a niche or a technical need not being adequately addressed by the competition. 
  3. Description of exceptional results and/or delivery performance that makes this company a valued product/service provider. 

What are the selection procedures? 

Small Business Subcontractor of the Year award winners will be selected at the Regional Government Contracting Area Office and national levels. 

  1. The Regional Contracting Area Offices will select winners to compete at the national level. The nomination packages of regional winners will be transmitted to the Office of Government Contracting for review. 
  2. The National Small Business Subcontractor of the Year will be selected by the SBA Associate Administrator for Government Contracting based on, but not restricted to, the recommendations of a panel of judges. 

Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence honors large prime contractors that have documented excellence in their utilization of small businesses as suppliers and subcontractors for Research and Development, Construction or other Services.

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Nominees for this award must meet the following eligibility requirements. If you have additional questions, submit them to

  1. Large prime contractors that have documented excellence in their utilization of small businesses as suppliers and subcontractors.
  2. If a compliance review has been conducted in the past three years, the rating(s) received may not be less than outstanding.
  3. One award may be made in each of the following five categories: manufacturing, service, research and development, construction, and utilities.

Who is NOT eligible to be nominated?   

  1. Individuals or firms who are currently suspended or debarred by the Federal government or
  2. Firms that have received this award in any of the five categories within the past three years are not eligible for nomination.
  3. Firms that have outstanding tax liens, discrimination complaints

Who may submit nominations?

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence is a self-nomination award program; large prime contractors nominate themselves.

What information must the nomination package contain?

Nominations must contain the information below. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

  1. A completed SBA Form 3300, Award Nominee Background form. For “team” nominations, a background form is required for each team member; 
  2. A completed Authorization, Grant & Release of Materials form. For “team” nominations, a release form is required for each team member. 
  3. A completed SBA Form 3308, Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence nomination form.
  4. An original 8 in. x 10 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. photo of the nominee or a digital photo – at least 300 dpi is required. Photocopies are not acceptable; and
  5. Any other supporting documentation deemed significant by the nominator, including news clips, letters of recommendation, nomination letter (if not self-nominated), and other evidence of the appropriateness of the nomination. Supporting documentation may not exceed 10 pages. 

Where are the nominations to be sent?

All nominations for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence must be submitted electronically to the Eisenhower Award upload link. Nominations should be scanned and submitted as one full document. Photo should be submitted as a separate attachment.

When is the deadline for nominations?

Nominations must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. ET, December 5, 2024.

What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

In evaluating the nomination packages, the judges will look at the following criteria:

  1. Summary Subcontract Report(s) for the most recently concluded fiscal year must reflect maximum practicable opportunity for all small business concerns, including all socio-economic categories;
  2. A five-year small business trend analysis;
  3. Effectiveness of the small business liaison officer and demonstrated management support of the small business program;
  4. Small business outreach during the preceding fiscal year;
  5. Assistance to small businesses concerns (including all socio-economic categories) during the past two years, including technical, managerial, financial, participation in a mentor-protégé program, etc.;
  6. Other small business award recognitions during the past three years;
  7. Market analysis or research used including the System for Award Management’s (SAM) Dynamic Small Business Search Engine, and use of SUB-Net for publication of subcontracting opportunities; and
  8. Nomination of firms under the Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Award Program in the three previous fiscal years.

What are the selection procedures? 

The Dwight D. Eisenhower award winners will be selected at the national level. 

  1. The nomination packages will be transmitted to the Office of Government Contracting for review.
  2. The SBA Associate Administrator for Government Contracting will select the winners based, but not restricted to, on the recommendations of a panel of judges comprised of federal employees.

8(a) Graduate of the Year Award

SBA will make the 8(a) Graduate of the Year Award to a formerly certified 8(a) Business Development Program participant that has graduated from the 8(a) Program for at least one year as of April 1, 2023. The firm does not have to currently be a small business.

Who is eligible to be nominated?

Nominees for this award must meet the following eligibility requirements. Consult your nearest SBA district office if you have questions. 

  1. Firm must have a demonstrated history of successful performance on 8(a) contracts while in the 8(a) Business Development Program; 
  2. Companies and/or their principal owner(s) must not appear on the suspended or debarred list as published at; 
  3. Firm must still be primarily owned, managed, and controlled by the person(s) whom 8(a) eligibility was based at the time of participation; 
  4. The firm must show reduced reliance on 8(a) contracts; the most recent fiscal year-end financial statement must reflect non 8(a) sales of 50% or more of total sales; 
  5. Businesses owned and operated by nominees must comply with federal civil rights laws; 
  6. If nominee or nominee’s firm has an SBA loan, payment record must be satisfactory and the loan must be current and in good standing;
  7. Firm must be in satisfactory financial condition (i.e. financial capability: sufficient capitalization, financial performance, bonding capacity, manageable debts). Applicants are ineligible if it is found that the firm, or any of its principals, has failed to pay Federal financial obligations;
  8. For government contracts, the nominee must have performed satisfactorily on all contracts, and have had no terminations for default; 
  9. Before SBA publicly announces any awards, nominee must be cleared by the SBA’s Office of Inspector General and EEO/CR offices; 
  10. The nominee must be a formerly certified 8(a) Business Development Program participant that graduated from the 8(a) Program for at least one year as of April 1, 2023; and
  11. The firm does not have to be a small business. 

Who is NOT eligible to be nominated?   

Individuals or firms who are currently suspended or debarred by the Federal government.

Who may submit nominations?

  1. Individuals or organizations dedicated to the support of the small business community in the United States, including, such as trade and professional associations and business organizations, may submit nominations. 
  2. Individuals may self-nominate. 

What information must the nomination package contain?

Nominations must contain the information below. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

  1. A completed SBA Form 3300, Award Nominee Background form. For “team” nominations, a background form is required for each team member; 
  2. A completed Authorization, Grant & Release of Materials form. For “team” nominations, a release form is required for each team member. 
  3. A completed SBA Form 3309, 8(a) Graduate of the Year Award nomination form.
  4. An original 8 in. x 10 in. or 5 in. x 7 in. photo of the nominee or a digital photo – at least 300 dpi is required. Photocopies are not acceptable; and
  5. Any other supporting documentation deemed significant by the nominator, including news clips, letters of recommendation, nomination letter (if not self-nominated), and other evidence of the appropriateness of the nomination. Supporting documentation may not exceed 10 pages. Videos will not be considered.

Where are the nominations to be sent?

All nominations must be submitted electronically to the upload link for the District Office where the nominee is located. Nominations should be scanned and submitted as one full document. Photo should be submitted as a separate attachment.

When is the deadline for nominations?

Nominations must be submitted by 4:00 p.m. ET, December 5, 2024.

What are the evaluation/selection criteria?

In evaluating the nomination packages, the judges will look at the following criteria: 

  1. Management 
    • Overall Qualifications/Expertise of Management 
    • Customer Interface (Customer Engagement) 
    • Response to adversities, obstacles, etc. to achieve the present level of success 
  2. Exceptional Results/Special Achievements 
    • Deliverables in line with or exceeding contract requirements 
    • Exceptional past performance record; and description of exceptional results and/or delivery performance that makes this company a valued product/service provider 
    • Awards and Recognition 
  3. Cost Performance 
    • Financial Stability and Credit Worthiness 
    • Value Engineering Change Proposals (Performance Adjustments) 
    • Increase in sales, net profit and net worth Growth in full-time employees 
  4. Innovation 
    • Specific description of innovation or unique/superior product or service 
    • Explanation of how the product or service fills a niche or technical need not being adequately addressed by the competition 
  5. Economic engagement of the disadvantaged community 
    • Use of minority firms as suppliers, subcontractors, etc. 
    • Noted recruitment and employment of socially disadvantaged personnel 
    • Participation in community projects and charitable affairs 

What are the selection procedures? 

SBA will make 8(a) Graduate awards to eligible small businesses at the District, Regional and National level. 

  1. District offices will select one winner to compete at the regional level. 
  2. The Regional offices will select one winner to compete at the national level. 
  3. The National 8(a) Graduate of the Year will be selected by the SBA Associate Administrator for Government Contracting based on, but not restricted to, the recommendations of a panel of judges of federal employees. 

Need help?

If you have questions, please contact

Last updated August 30, 2024