Affordable Health Benefits on a Lean Budget

Date and time





Michele Schulman

Host organization

SCORE Nashville 0072

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

We all know that health insurance is expensive. We also know that health benefits are beneficial when recruiting and retaining the best and brightest employees, as well as foster a healthy workforce.

In this webinar, learn about an affordable, high-quality alternative to health insurance called HealthPass. HealthPass can bridge the gap between your desire to offer health benefits to your employees and your ability to make them available.

You will learn:

  • What options are available with HealthPass
  • How HealthPass can afford to make their services available at affordable rates (hint: the parent company, Faith Family Medical Center, raises millions of dollars every year to make affordable, high-quality healthcare possible)
  • How businesses are customizing this health benefit to fit within their needs and situations.

Your instructor: Anne Layman Wires

Anne Layman Wires has been the HealthPass Lead at Faith Family Medical Center since it officially began in 2021. She has worked in healthcare for 27 years serving at both Ascension Saint Thomas and Faith Family Medical Center.

Anne earned a Bachelor of Business Administration and a master level degree in organizational management. She is known for her relationship building, exceptional customer service skills, attention to detail and ability to identify and improve processes. 

Sandwiched between her time in healthcare, she led and oversaw business development and marketing for Life Credit Union. She is quick to share that her motto is to “Under promise and Over Deliver!” Anne’s experience creating, continuously improving, and executing every aspect of HealthPass has given her a small taste of the entrepreneur’s journey.
