How To Find And Attract Board Members For A NonProfit - 04/07/25

Date and time





Central Region SCORE (Perenthia Brown)

Host organization


Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Recruiting new Board Members is an ongoing process and finding and attracting an ideal Board Member can seem like an impossible task. The first hurdle is where to find a board member, and the second hurdle is how to entice an ideal board candidate to commit to serving on your board and being engaged in the critical work to support your mission. This presentation offers strategies to find and attract board members, therefore enabling you to build a high performing and engaging board for long-term sustainability The Facilitator for this Event is Dr Susan Neustrom. Susan is a SCORER Member, and her expertise is in the Nonprofit Sector from leading several Nonprofit Organization as CEO, and serving on the Board of Directors with extensive experience in change management programs, operations, staff development, capacity building, fundraising, grant writing, board development and relations, marketing, and communication.
