Winning Government Contracts: A Step-by-Step Guide

Date and time





SCORE Greater Seattle

Host organization


Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

The Federal and Washington state government's process to award a contract is likely nothing you've done before. There are numerous steps that you absolutely need to take to not only be considered, but also to be competitive in the process. This workshop will provide you with details on the tasks you need to perform to be successful, which are:

  • Registration
  • Solicitation
  • Proposal preparation and review
  • Proposal evaluation
  • Award
  • Debriefing
  • Evaluation

By providing you the details about each of these tasks, this workshop will enhance your chance of winning a governmental contract and make your business more successful!!



This workshop is presented by SCORE Business Mentor Terry Homburg. Terry is a retired Department of Defense Contracting Officer with 29 years of procurement experience in services, construction, supply, and architect-engineering contracts in both pre-award and post-award. He has held many positions in the Government-wide Purchase Card program, AKA VISA/Master Card purchases and payments. During half of his career, he was based in Japan, Cuba and Italy. He has assisted numerous SCORE clients in preparing and competing for awards of federal contracts and administration of federal contracts after award.
