SCORE Developing a Nonprofit Budget

Date and time




Host organization


Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

ALL businesses, including nonprofit organizations, need a

comprehensive budget. As a best practice, nonprofits monitor their budgets all

year, but give strict attention to their budgets prior to their year-end - - which

makes November an opportune time to complete this vital task. This class is

appropriate for new nonprofit founders, board members, Executive Directors, and


What you’ll learn:

• How to create a winning program budget

• How to forecast of income and expenditures

• How to adjust budgets when applying for funding

• Key budgets commonly used by nonprofit organizations.

• The three major financial statements and their purpose.

• The difference between direct and indirect costs.

• How the budget is organized and proper use of the budget.


Our Presenter Cheryl Smith

Cheryl Smith is a seasoned nonprofit expert with over 25 years of hands-on experience in the nonprofit sector. She is the CEO of Dewlyn Nonprofit Services - a small consulting firm located in metro Atlanta that provides nonprofit start-up, training, strategic planning, and grant-writing services for nonprofit leaders across the nation each year.

In addition, as a national trainer, Cheryl provides nonprofit workshops for universities, financial institutions, faith-based organizations, nonprofit associations, and SCORE chapters across the country. Each year, these workshops help thousands of nonprofit and small business leaders receive guidance for establishing and scaling their charitable and business efforts.

Cheryl believes that if we work together, we can have an amazing world. And her personal and professional mission in life is to help nonprofit leaders actualize their missions and achieve this great potential.
