Virtual Lender’s Panel: Access to Capital
Date and time
Host organization
Business Impact NW
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
Are you looking for capital for your business? Do you have unanswered questions about loans, lines of credit, or which lending product is best for your business? Do you want to know how to qualify for a commercial loan?
Join us for a panel discussion where you can get answers straight from the experts! A panel of lending experts from local area lending organizations will answer your questions about what lenders are looking for in a loan package, what questions you should bring to your banker, and tips on accessing the funding you need to grow your business.
Previous sessions have included guest panelists from:
- Business Impact NW
- Seattle Credit Union
- Key Bank
- Kiva Microloan Program – Spaceworks
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact or call (206) 324-4330