Getting Ready to Start Your Business

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ignite Sparked by BBB
4747 Viewridge Avenue, Second Floor
San Diego, CA 92123

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SCORE San Diego

Host organization

SCORE San Diego

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

READY? SET. GO! Starting a business of your own is exciting but we bet you have lots of questions. If you are thinking of starting a business, or have just started one, this workshop is a perfect fit. Topics covered will include the fundamentals of getting started, business operation basics, business plans, and how to use and understand financial reports.

Starting a brand-new business can be one of the scariest and most exhilarating moments in a new entrepreneur’s life. The hope and optimism, the visions of success, and the fear of failure are all competing for your emotions. As you begin your journey to business ownership, you may find yourself vacillating between confidence and uncertainty, but don’t worry - we’ve got a plan!

In this workshop, a SCORE volunteer will detail the best path to a successful startup. They will identify some crucial first steps, provide plenty of tips, strategies, best practices, and reliable resources that you can use to help you along your journey of launching your small business. You need to get from idea to action - we can help you understand the rules. Business success takes time and determination - we will provide you with a basic pathway and discuss how to proceed.

Attend in-person - Getting Ready to Start Your Business - In Person | SCORE

or by Zoom - Getting Ready to Start Your Business | SCORE

See additional details on event registration site.

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