Succession Planning - Is your Business Ready?
Date and time
Teresa Lang
Host organization
SCORE Boston
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
This webinar is designed for organizations of all types, both small and large, and will begin with some guiding principles used by companies with successful succession planning programs. Based on the principles, we will then present specific steps to help you build a strong process that assures the continuity of the organization and the successful development of your leaders. There will also be time to discuss the range of special situations that the participating companies may be facing.
Historically, the focus of succession planning has been on what to do in an emergency. Development for senior leaders is often viewed as unnecessary ("they're experienced -- that's why we hired them"). However, to have a strong succession planning system, an organization needs a consistent and disciplined company commitment to sustaining leadership development, as well as planning for unforeseen events.
Presenter: Steve Bookbinder, SCORE Boston