Small Business Lending: Are you Really Ready for a Loan?
Date and time
Paula Pawloski
Host organization
MASBDC Western Regional Office
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
Searching for ways to fund your start-up business? Are you a current business owner in need of working capital or new equipment? Not quite sure how to approach the bank for help? Please join us at this workshop presented by Tom Cebula of Westfield Bank, as he addresses these questions and much more.
Tom will lead an interactive and personalized workshop to help you prepare for the loan application process. As he tailors this workshop to your business, you will learn how preparation can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and successful credit experience.
You will discover the importance of good credit and a strong business plan. Westfield Bank is proud to offer this workshop through MASBDC as both organizations share a strong commitment to the growth of small businesses in our region.
Topics to be discussed:
• Five areas of credit that are considered
• Financial reporting
• Traditional loan types
• Nonconventional loans