Cybersecurity Series: Phishing and Email Threat Awareness
Date and time
Sherrika Industrious-Phillips
Host organization
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
Join the UVI Information Services & Institutional Assessment team as they prepare USVI Small Businesses with the tools necessary to secure their data and electronic information. Learn common fallacies for small businesses regarding cybersecurity, the types of threats encountered, strategies for combating the threats, and how to get started. This interactive webinar is free of cost and includes a question-and-answer segment.
This session’s topics will explain:
• What is phishing and how it works
• Different types of phishing attacks
• Red flags to watch out for in suspicious emails
• Best practices for protecting sensitive information
• How to report phishing attempts
In today's digital age, phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. These deceptive tactics target individuals and organizations alike, aiming to compromise sensitive information, financial resources, and even the reputation of companies. It is imperative that we equip ourselves with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify and work to prevent these threats. Our goal is that you leave the session with a heightened awareness and the ability to confidently navigate through potential phishing and other email threats.