SBA Webinar - MySBA Certifications

Date and time





Vernice Mathis

Host organization

SBA Indiana District Office

Type of event

SBA event

Event description

As an entrepreneur, diversifying your revenue streams is crucial to small business growth. An excellent way to increase sales and profits is making the largest buyer in the world – the U.S. Government – your client. The SBA, and our multiple contracting certification programs, can help.

During this free webinar, you will receive:

An introduction to the MySBA Certifications portal,

  • An overview of each of the SBA’s federal certification programs,
  • Where to find free/low-cost expert help through the SBA Indiana resource partner and Indiana APEX Accelerator networks.

All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Questions? Please email Seating is limited so register to save your spot today!
