Money Matters: The One Percent Solution Webinar
Date and time
Event cost
Carole Arnold
Host organization
UGA SBDC at KSU Webinar
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
The One Percent Solution: How Small Changes get BIG Results!
Cash flow is the lifeline of a business and yet it remains a mystery for many and often confused with profits. For example, it’s not unusual for a company to be profitable and have negative cash flow – a situation most business owners at some time experienced and have no idea why.
The One Percent Solution will provide an overview of company cash flow and explain the seven levers that effect cash flow from operations and show how a small change in any one lever can have a large impact on company cash flow.
When: Wednesday, April 2; 10 am - 11 am
Cost: Only $29. Register at
Where: Convenient Webinar. This live webinar will be recorded and a link to the recording will be sent to those who registered the day after the webinar