Preparing for Tax Season: Deadlines and Extensions.
Date and time
Sandy Lugo
Host organization
TAMIU Small Business Development Center
Type of event
SBA participating event
Event description
The tax season may seem challenging to navigate. To be prepared for tax season, learn from an IRS expert what you should and shouldn't do throughout the year. -Learn the tips for remaining organized and maintaining receipts when doing your tax returns. -Learn about the proper forms that must be presented in accordance with the business you operate. -Avoid being audited for incorrectly processing payroll, incorrectly filing I9 forms, selecting the proper filing status, and incorrectly preparing freelancers' taxes, among other things. -Learn where and how to find the most recent tax laws. -Understand which tax records you should keep and for how long. Moreover, how to properly discard them. Webinar participants will learn each step of the leasing process and what to expect during the leasing experience. The asset classes will be analyzed and explained to understand what each class has to offer. The webinar will equip participants with the knowledge of how to go through the leasing process effectively and efficiently to cultivate a successful deal.