Illinois APEX Accelerator Webinar: Deconstructing the RFQ/RFP Solicitation

Date and time





Jordan Landeck

Host organization

Illinois APEX Accelerator at Champaign County EDC

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Presented by Keli Krueger-Huhra, Director – Illinois APEX Accelerator at Champaign County EDC

It can seem overwhelming to find a federal government solicitation you’re interested in but first need to understand what it would take to bid on this opportunity. This is our tax dollars at work, so it’s necessary for municipal, state, and federal contracts to use a transparent process to keep track of what, where and how our money is being spent. This webinar will provide an understanding of the common parts of a solicitation document to properly prepare a bid. Our objective is to make working with challenging government bid documents seem more reasonable by allowing you to familiarize yourself with the usual sections and lingo involved in the procurement procedure.  At the end of the webinar, you’ll understand where to find the government’s requirement in a bid document.
