Get Business From NYC and NYS Government: M/WBE Certification
Date and time
Josh Mero
Host organization
Queens Economic Development Corporation
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
Learn about getting certified as a Minority / Woman-owned Business Enterprise with NYC & NYS; what you will need to do to obtain government contracts, and how you can leverage your certification to get more business at this free online webinar.
About the Speaker
Since coming to QEDC, Ricardi Calixte has worked with many neighborhoods’ business organizations to help improve the local economy. He spearheaded the development of Corona Plaza, transforming an under-utilized area into one of the borough’s foremost pedestrian plazas. He works closely with merchant groups, foundations, and government agencies to help local communities reach their potential.
A native of Haiti, Ricardi graduated from New York City public schools and has a BA degree in Economics, an MA in Africana Studies, and an MRP in Urban Planning from SUNY Albany. He is a CORO Fellow. He lives Queens and is the proud father of a daughter and son.