Running a Successful In-Home Childcare Business (3-Part Series)
Date and time
Drew James
Host organization
U.S. Small Business Administration
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
Join Wyoming SBDC Network Regional Director Devan Costa-Cargill for this interactive workshop for new and existing childcare providers. This three-part series will cover the following topics.
– Engage with other entrepreneurs in the industry
– Draft the key components of a Business Plan
– Create financial projections for your potential business
– Address management and planning steps for a successful launch
Devan has 18 years of experience working directly with families and children across educational and home settings. She brings her expertise in child development and small business management to the table to support you as you consider a rewarding home-based business opportunity.
Participants are highly encouraged to attend all 3 parts of the series for the full experience.
February 4th: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
February 11th: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
February 18th: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
A zoom link will be provided after registration.