You Are Your Brand: Dress Like the Boss You Are
Date and time
SCORE Prairie and Lakes
Host organization
SCORE Prairie and Lakes
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
Ever hear the phrase "Dress for the Room"? As a business owner, what you wear is an important element of professionalism - not only in how others perceive you, but in how you feel about yourself.
This workshop explores the concept of "enclothed cognition" - what you wear truly impacts how you feel. Clothing can be a powerful tool for fostering self-confidence and aiding you in reaching your goals in your business. You are your brand.
Learn strategies for how to dress to foster self-confidence and to represent your business with authenticity and professionalism that help you and your business stand out.
This workshop provides practical tips for creating a personal style that allows you to bring your true self to your work and tangible ways to build your professional wardrobe affordably and effectively. You'll be ready to create a wardrobe that makes you feel like a boss.