Winning Federal Research Grants: SBIR/STTR Workshop
Date and time
Program Coordinator: Jen Spilker
Host organization
Missouri SBDC at UMKC
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
An introductory look at how to win Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Research grants.
Learn how to find, apply, and create a strategies to gain funding for a growing technology business.
The highly competitive SBIR program encourages domestic small businesses to engage in federal research and research development (R&D) that has the potential for commercialization. SBIR enables small businesses to explore technological potential and provides the incentive to profit from its commercialization. Kansas City area companies have successfully funded their research with SBIR/STTR grants that can total up to $1.5 million for each business. Learn how your business could qualify.
The workshop is taught by Dr. Julie Edge, one of the MO SBDC’s technology and commercialization experts.