Setting the Stage for a Profitable Year for Your Small Business
Date and time
George Gremse
Host organization
SCORE Broward
Type of event
Resource Partner event
Event description
The challenges of any small or large business are the same, but the solutions and path to success are different.
This program is created to help business owners prepare and implement a profitable business plan. This workshop will touch on sales, marketing, staffing, tracking and financial planning. Learn what to look for in your competition and how to develop a plan to effectively compete. There are many aspects of your business that need monitoring, and this session will share business tips and help you focus on what should be done to create a profitable business.
Louis reviewed the work of thousands of small businesses through his tenure as a reviewer with a national Medicare provider accreditation program and he shares with you successful business strategies for your small company.
Copy of the recording and materials will be sent to all attendees.