Small Business Tax Planning

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Host organization

Score New York City

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

For small business owners and start-ups who want to effectively implement a strategy to pay their Federal, NYS and NYC taxes. 

Plan a tax strategy helps you maximize your deductions, and minimize your taxes.

This webinar describes ways to maximize business deductions, where, when and how to file, planning to minimize your tax bill and the most current tax laws. 

Gain the knowledge and resources to: 

  • Define Federal, NYS and NYC filing requirements 
  • List techniques to maximize your business deductions 
  • Describe home office deduction guidelines and strategies 
  • Outline the link between your business tax returns and your personal tax filings 
  • Enumerate planning tips to help minimize your tax bill 
  • Discuss the importance of keeping good records 
  • Summarize the tax benefits of starting a retirement plan

Join us for live Q&A!
