Archived news release 19-15

SBA Announces National SBIR Road Tour to Engage Small Businesses Working on High-Tech, High-Impact Ideas

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) today announced it will launch a 16-stop road tour connecting entrepreneurs working on advan...

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) today announced it will launch a 16-stop road tour connecting entrepreneurs working on advanced technology to the country’s largest source of early stage funding – the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Also known as America’s Seed Fund, the SBIR/STTR programs focus on next generation research & development (R&D) and is led by the SBA with 11 participating federal agencies.

“Every year, we meet entrepreneurs from around the country looking to turn their big idea into another great American innovation story.  We are committed to supporting America’s small businesses owners wherever they are,” SBA Administrator Linda McMahon said.  “This tour reflects our continued commitment to ensuring that these innovators are aware of SBA’s resources to help them reach that goal.” 

The SBIR Road Tour plays an important role in increasing engagement with entrepreneurial ecosystems across the country and building out greater networks to support the creation of small businesses focusing on high-impact research. 

Each SBIR Road Tour stop will be hosted by a local organization involved in supporting entrepreneurs in next generation R&D.  Program managers from the participating federal agencies will conduct one-on-one meetings with attendees, take part in targeted panels, discuss technology areas, and share insights into how the agencies make funding decisions.

The SBIR/STTR programs provide over $3 billion in early stage funding to small businesses each year in a wide variety of technology areas such as unmanned systems, advanced materials, health, cybersecurity and defense.  The SBIR/STTR programs execute over 4,000 new awards annually, which allow innovators to advance new technologies and have contributed to the creation of thousands of jobs.



The Central Plains Tour will run from May 20-24, with stops in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Kansas City, Kansas; Des Moines, Iowa; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Fargo, North Dakota.

The Southwest Tour will run from August 12-16, with stops in Tucson, Arizona; El Paso, Texas; Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Boulder, Colorado.

The Eastern Tour will run from September 16-20, with stops in Burlington, Vermont; Albany, New York; New Brunswick, New Jersey; State College, Pennsylvania; and College Park, Maryland.

Finally, the SBIR Road Tour will stop in Miami, Florida on November 13 and in Puerto Rico on November 15.

Small technology firms, innovators, scientists or researchers seeking more information on the SBIR Road Tour, including a schedule of stops and participating agencies should visit:

For more information about SBIR/STTR programs, please visit



About the U.S. Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 and is a Cabinet-level agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation.  The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses, and recover from disasters.  Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, the SBA delivers its services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam. To learn more about SBA, visit