The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) requires each Federal agency to publish a notice in the Federal Register of each system of records that it maintains. A system of records is any grouping of information about an individual under the control of a Federal agency from which it retrieves information by the name, Social Security number, or some other personal identifier, including number or symbol assigned to an individual.
SBA's SORNS are published in the Federal Register and are available online at the GPO govinfo website.
- SBA 1—Administrative Claims
- SBA 2—Administrator’s Executive Secretariat Files
- SBA 3—Advisory Council Files
- SBA 4—Office of Inspector General Records Other Than Investigations Records
- SBA 5—Business and Entrepreneurial Initiatives for Small Businesses
- SBA 6—Civil Rights Compliance Files
- SBA 7—Combined Federal Campaign
- SBA 8—Correspondence and Inquiries
- SBA 9—Cost Allocation Data System
- SBA 10—Employee Identification Card Files
- SBA 11—Entrepreneurial Development--Management Information System
- SBA 12—Equal Employment Opportunity Pre-Complaint Counseling
- SBA 13—Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Cases
- SBA 14—Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Records
- SBA 15—Employee Disputes and Appeals
- SBA 16—Investigative Files
- SBA 17—Investigations Management Information System
- SBA 18—Legal Work Files on Personnel Cases
- SBA 19—Litigation and Claims Files
- SBA 20—Disaster Loan Case File
- SBA 20 (mod)—Disaster Loans Case Files
- SBA 21—Loan Systems
- SBA 22—Outside Employment Files
- SBA 23—Payroll Files
- SBA 24—Personnel Security Files
- SBA 25—Portfolio Reviews
- SBA 26—Power of Attorney Files
- SBA 27—Employee Misconduct Files
- SBA 28—Small Business Person and Advocate Awards
- SBA 29—Standards of Conduct Files
- SBA 30 - Government Contracting and Business Development
- SBA 30 - Government Contracting and Business Development (Mod)
- SBA 31—Temporary Disaster Employees
- SBA 32—Tort Claims
- SBA 33—Travel Files
- SBA 34—Identity Management System
- SBA 35—Non-Employment Related Background Checks
- SBA 36—Suspension and Debarment Files
- SBA 38—TechNet
- SBA 39 — Veteran Programs Training and Counseling Records
- SBA 39 — Veteran Programs Training and Counseling Records Mod
- SBA 40 — Small Business Investment Company Information System
- SBA 41 - SBA Insider Threat Program System of Records Notice
- SBA 42 - Reasonable Accommodations, Personal Assistance Services, and Medical/Religious Exceptions