SBA’s 2022 New Hampshire Minority Owned Business of the Year Nizar Jhaver of Global American

For 32 years, Nizar Jhaver has run a successful thriving business in southern NH as a minority business owner. Starting a business in NH over 30 years ago as a minority was difficult. Nizar worked from the ground up. Born in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) India, Nizar left he left his home to attend University of Lowell where he received a degree in Electrical Engineering. After working to put himself through college with two jobs, he began his career as an engineer for the computer component industry. After working in that industry for several years, he realized there was a market for Industrial/Embedded/Long Life PC components and peripherals for specific markets and government, military, and medical applications.
In 1989, Nizar founded Global American, Inc. with virtually no experience in the industrial computer (IPC) sector. Global was one of the first companies to propose that computer components needed to remain consistent and viable for years longer than the typical consumer PCs.
Now, 33 years later, Global is still a leader in the IPC field. They lead the embedded system integration industry in technology, custom solutions, and personalized service. Their popular products include rugged tablets, fanless PCs, IP65 rated panel PCs, IoT-based products, and wide temperature motherboards. Global now represents more than 10 overseas factories and manufacturers and counts thousands of companies as its clients - among them Fortune 500 and process control, aerospace, and biotech giants.
Since starting in 1989, Nizar Jhaver was adamant that every single interaction with a customer or a vendor be honest and straightforward. Global has built on that core value for 30 years and pride themselves on the fact that once they earn a customer, they rarely lose them.
Today, Global has 11 employees and during the pandemic, received two SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans for each of the rounds, which helped them retain their employees and purchase supplies during the unpredictable time.
“Nizar is humble about his success, but he is truly one of the IPC pioneers in the country, if not the world. His vision has transferred to his children, who now play major roles in the continuation of his legacy at Global," explained daughter and company president Leah Walsh, “We were truly the first Embedded Integrators in the country.” In 2010, Nizar partially retired, leaving Leah in charge of all company day-to-day operations, although Nizar retains full ownership. Global also works to create a great working environment and even allows employees to bring their dogs, which everyone enjoys.