Pocatello Environmental Consulting Business Strives for Delivering High-Quality Projects

Raised on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho and taught to respect the land, September Myres started Sundance Consulting, Inc. in 2005 to provide solutions to environmental issues resulting from Department of Defense activities on tribal lands. She found initial success with consecutive Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP) contracts; and, Army Corps of Engineers contracts providing remediation, environmental consulting and records management services. However, she felt there were stereotypes related to being a Native American woman. Some clientele did not believe she could do the work required in a timely and efficient manner.
In 2008, Sundance was certified into the SBA 8(a) Business Development Program, a nine-year certification program that helps small, disadvantaged businesses compete in the federal marketplace. The program enabled Myres to strategically grow her company to become a competitive force in the environmental services industry.
Sundance revenues reached $11 million in 2016, a $10 million increase from 2011. During that same five-year period, Sundance opened seven satellite offices and hired 50 employees. Sundance forecasted its 2017 year-end revenue to be $14 million and plans to hire more personnel. The firm also received the Environmental Business Journal’s Small Firms Award (revenues less than $15 million) for achievements in 2016.
“A quote that continues to inspire me is from Chief Seattle: ‘We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.’ How poignant,” Myres said. “As Sundance continues its growth, we will also continue to be a good steward of the land through our daily work practices. We will continue our responsible use, protection and restoration of our environment for the plants, the animals and the people that rely upon it. My deepest gratitude goes out to the SBA … with helping Sundance to become a successful 8(a) graduate.”