Success stories

Success stories

  • Millennium Press in manufacturing facility

    How Millennium Press Overcame a Crisis and Near Closure

    Kelly and Jim Sullivan started Millennium Press out of a one-car garage back in 1989. Their first big equipment purchase, a 2-color printing press – which went a long way to building the foundation to...

  • Business owner Kippen poses inside his manufacturing facility

    I Get to Work With Robots All Day

    Along Route 14 South in East Randolph lies a nondescript commercial building. It is more than 90 years old but in good shape, with a fresh coat of paint. There is no business sign outside, so...

  • Owner and Founder Maria Lara-Bregatta serves up a delicious meal at Cafe Mamajuana

    Just 29, She’s ‘Off to a Pretty Good Start’

    The name of the restaurant is not exactly a common word, and pronouncing it correctly is a challenge for many of its patrons. It’s mangled so often, in fact, that owner and founder Maria Lara-Bregatta...

  • A kitchen worker prepping ingredients on a steel table.

    It Takes a Global Village

    In seven years, a small business in White River Junction has transformed itself from a single restaurant to a company that offers its African cuisine in more than 200 stores throughout New England...

  • Pieces of chocolate on a table

    Best Chocolate. Period.

    Word of mouth may be the most inexpensive and flattering form of advertising. An individual becomes so enchanted with a product, she can’t help but tell her friends to try it. The friends try it, and...

  • Business owner and family inside store

    It Started With Carmen’s Ice Cream. The Rest Is History.

    She is in her 30s, college-educated, and has already logged more than 20 years working at the same place. And it’s the only job she has ever had. Meet Bonnie Paris, president of Freighthouse Market &...

  • Fat sheep farm and Cabins owners pose together with pet dog

    Beauty and the Sheep

    Tucked away on a hilltop in Hartland, VT, sit five stand-alone cabins offering breathtaking views of the Green Mountain State. It is rare for one to be unoccupied. But the owners of these cabins, Todd...

  • Tara and Fred photographed standing in front of an office desk.

    The Road To Success Is Paved

    Ten years ago, a newly established business didn’t have trucks, employees, or even a paver, which seems like it would be pretty important if that new business is a paving company. “But we did have...