Setting Up Your Space for Success as an ADHD Entrepreneur - Webinar via Zoom

Date and time





SBDC Training Team

Host organization


Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

ADHD and Entrepreneurship often go hand-in-hand. Stephanie Scheller, an award winning entrepreneur and internationally acclaimed speaker, has built an entire business around better understanding the neurodivergent brain and how to use existing studies to better support ADHD entrepreneurs for success.

In one of her most highly attended trainings, she will break down:

  1. How your space is impacting your ability to focus, retain information, and peak perform (and the studies behind these concepts!)
  2. How this information can be applied across a variety of working environments to create space that truly supports success for individuals with ADHD

Join Stephanie Scheller (a TEDx speaker, a three-time best-selling author, an award-winning entrepreneur and the founder of Grow Disrupt, a company that designs and produces “Grow Your Business” retreats and conferences for ADHD small business owners) and the UTSA SBDC for this webinar. 
