Franchising as Your Next Step to Entrepreneurship: Is it Right for You?

Date and time





Michele Schulman

Host organization

SCORE Nashville

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Have you ever thought about owning a business but didn’t know where to start? During times of uncertainty, creating your own job security and having more control over your career can be appealing. Learn how franchising can provide a desirable alternative to traditional employment by reducing the risk of ownership to an acceptable level through proven systems, comprehensive training and ongoing support.   


Arm yourself with information and learn if franchising is the right opportunity for you.


In this presentation we'll cover:

  • Franchising basics including the wide range of industry categories and different investment levels available
  • Common misconceptions about franchising
  • The pros and cons of franchise ownership
  • Full-time and semi-absentee models and key considerations
  • Legal regulations that protect the buyer
  • Selecting the right franchise that best fits your unique personality, skills, needs and goals
  • Current growth trends in franchising
  • How to avoid common mistakes


Your Instructor: Dan Arnoff


A franchise owner since 2005, Dan is familiar with the ins and outs of running a franchise operation, including general management, marketing and administrative activities. In his professional practice, he coaches clients on how to thoroughly search for and evaluate franchise opportunities. His professional career also includes 15 years of human resources experience focused on recruiting, compensation and employee development. 
