Are You Lender Ready?

Date and time





Eli Vo

Host organization

U.S. Small Business Administration

Type of event

SBA event

Event description

This is an event series called Are You Lender Ready? for those businesses that have been open for 2+ yrs. This event will offer training resources that will prepare you for asking for a small business loan.


It is broken down into four parts...


1. Preparatory workshop: focused on credit, financials & pitching a business to a lender.

Help participants understand the importance of:

· Business vs. personal credit

· Business financial

· Thinking like a lender

· Pitching your business effectively


2. In-Person Forum: panel sessions from traditional and alternative lenders, followed by a lender matchmaking session.


3. Two Office Hour sessions: further craft a business pitch and discuss other SBA financial resources such as SBA’s lender match.


This webinar will be focused on the first part, which is the Prepratory Workshop. So, buckle up and prepare youreself to truly understand how to ask for a business loan!


Presented by Kristy Couch, Lending Relations & Eli Vo, Outreach & Marketing

SBA’s Dallas/Fort Worth District Office


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