2024 Cybersecurity Summit with SBDC and the NH Tech Alliance

Date and time



Rex Theatre
23 Amherst Street
Manchester, NH 03101

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Theresa Pinto

Host organization

NH SBDC, NH Tech Alliance

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

SBDC and the NH Tech Alliance are partnering to host the 2024 Cybersecurity Summit on September 25, 2024, at the Rex Theatre in Manchester. 

The 2024 Cybersecurity Summit will address critical issues facing New Hampshire businesses. Sessions will cover practical strategies for small and medium-sized businesses to enhance cybersecurity on a budget, prepare for upcoming privacy laws, and tackle emerging threats like EFT fraud and ransomware. 

Keynote and panel discussions will delve into advanced cybersecurity threats, effective responses, and the complexities of supply chain and vendor management. The event will also explore the evolving legal landscape surrounding artificial intelligence, providing attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate these challenges and safeguard their operations. 

Session topics include: 

  • Cybersecurity on a Budget: How Can Small and Medium Sized Businesses Implement Cyber Safeguards? 
  •  NH's New Privacy Law Takes Effect January 1, 2025: What Do Businesses Need To Do Now To Get Into Compliance?   
  • The Advanced State of Cybersecurity Threats: What Do Businesses Need To Do To Protect Against Them?   
  • Vendor Management and Supply Chain Breach Protection   
  • Legal Principles Governing Artificial Intelligence  

There will also be two tabletop exercises on EFT Fraud Prevention and Ransomware Prevention. 

