Are You Lender Ready? Workshop

Date and time



32121 Lorain Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039

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Host organization

Lorain Community College SBDC

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Are you an entrepreneur looking to secure a small business loan? 

Join us at the Are You Lender Ready Series, a comprehensive two-part event collaboration of the SBA Cleveland District Office and the Lorain County Community College Small Business Development Center, designed to help you prepare financially and connect with potential small business lenders. 

This first event is designed to prepare you for speaking with a lender. We will go over how business and personal credit affects your loan application, documents and financials you will need, and how those documents help lenders make approval decisions. Lastly, we will work on how you can “pitch” your business to a lender.

This workshop will be followed by a lender forum on October 18, when you can apply some of the knowledge you gained during the workshop!
