WOW: Trading Up: The Basics of Trademark, Copyright, and Intellectual Property Protections

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Event cost





Alicia Johnson

Host organization

Small Business Development Center

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Whether you’re an inventor, an entrepreneur, an artist, or simply someone that has created a better mousetrap, this course will provide you with valuable insights and understanding of the important process of protecting your intellectual property.

Why would you leave your creations, your processes, or your intellectual assets open to theft? We will take an introductory look at patents, trademarks, copyrights, licenses and trade secrets so that you can better protect you and your business' knowledge assets.

We look forward to embarking on this intellectual journey with you.


  • Identify the differences between trademark, copyright, and patents.
  • Evaluate what can be protected under the law. 
  • Be introduced to the different government agencies involved in protecting intellectual property.
  • Learn about steps necessary to make securing your intellectual property easier and more efficient.
  • Discover what information is needed for the process of licensing and enforcing ownership of your intellectual property.