Creating Winning Proposals

Date and time





Brandon McCall

Host organization

Southwest Virginia Community College APEX Accelerator

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

During this session the following topics will be covered:

Part 1

  • Difference between Bids and Proposals
  • What influences proposal selection
  • Responsiveness vs. Responsibility
  • Difference between Solicitation, Pre-solicitation, Combined Synopsis and Sources Sought

Part 2

  • Identifying the government’s needs
  • Envisioning how you can be a solution
  • Offering ideas for RFP development
  • Anticipating what will be called for
  • Participating in pre-proposal conferences
  • Identifying resources needed
  • Forming a team

Part 3

  • Reading the RFP document
  • Digesting the scope of work
  • Determining your potential
  • Understanding terms and conditions
  • Mastering evaluation criteria
  • Assigning responsibilities and scheduling
  • Following instructions, completing the proposal and submission

Part 4

  • Finding out the selection schedule
  • Inquiring about progress
  • Answering any questions which arise
  • Responding to requests
  • Abiding by the rules on communication
  • Preparing for an oral interview
  • Asking for a debriefing

 Presenter: Brandon McCall, Procurement Specialist - Southwest Virginia Community College APEX Accelerator

