September Biz Fit: Check In & Check Up for Q4 - Going Deeper!

Date and time





Tara Clark

Host organization

Coastal Enterprises, Inc. Women's Business Center

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Whether you know what “Q4” is, or are trying to ignore it, this session is for you!

We will be joined once again by the talented Graphic Facilitator Marsha Dunn who will artfully capture the ideas and action steps explored during our session. Participants will receive a copy of the final graphic as a reminder for this next fiscal Quarter.

In previous sessions we reflected on practices that help support a healthy and balanced business and self. We’ll dive a bit deeper into those initial ideas and  come away with 1-2 individual action steps you can implement during this upcoming Q4.

This is a very interactive, safe and welcoming session. Join us, bring a friend!

Register Today!
