Tax Practitioner Institute - Presented by SCORE Maine

Date and time


Event cost




Host organization


Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Tax Practitioner Institute (TPI) is a one-day program focused on the practical application of Federal and Maine tax rules and updates in the tax law. The program this year will cover 2024 Tax Legislation as well as the Employee Retention Credit. TPI is a primer for newer practitioners and a refresher for the more experienced. Every attendee can elect to receive the most recent University Of Illinois Federal Tax Workbook as well. TPI presenters are Maine-based experts who have relevant experience in tax return preparation, and some may highlight hands-on examples from the Federal Tax Workbook.

Due to overwhelming feedback from last years’ events, we have decided to again offer TPI as a live virtual event. We’re also pleased to offer a new and more user-friendly registration and learning interface that attendees will find enhances the overall experience. TPI is approved as a provider for continuing education credits by the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar, the Maine Board of Accountancy and the IRS.

Tax Practitioner Institute – TPI is expected to provide 8 IRS CE (Continuing Education) credits and 8 CLE ( Continuing Legal Education) credits  and 8 CPE (Continuing Professional Education for CPAs) credits.

Who Should Attend?

  • Tax Preparers
  • Enrolled Agents
  • CPAs
  • Tax Attorneys