Trade Talk: Leveraging Free Trade Agreements

Date and time




Host organization

Virginia SBDC

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

There are many considerations that American exporters should weigh when selecting a foreign market. One often overlooked component is whether or not the U.S. has a free trade agreement (FTA) with that country. FTAs can help U.S. exporters access foreign markets, reduce barriers, provide greater protection and recourse, and generally create a more stable trading environment. They also give U.S. companies a competitive advantage over firms from other countries selling similar products and services. In fact, roughly 40% of exported U.S. goods are sold to our 20 FTA partner countries. 

In this webinar, Aaron Miller and Dulce Zahniser of the Virginia SBDC's International Business Development program will share insights into how small businesses can access the benefits of FTAs, and the resource available to them.

