Marketing Research - How to find business opportunities for your company in the public and private sectors - Webinar via Zoom

Date and time





SBDC Training Team

Host organization


Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Join Renee Watson, BBA, MPA, ECMCA, Director of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Department, Small, Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise (SMWBE) Program - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Liaison/Title VI Coordinator and the UTSA SBDC for this webinar session. 

Join us for this conversation on how to spend your time during this time doing research to discover opportunities to do business

Marketing & Sales:  

o Responding to RFPs/IFBs/RFQs/Quotes (Various Industries)

o Sales Research: How to Identify Core Decision Makers and Make Contact

o What Role Do Minority Suppliers play in the Nation’s Economic Impact and Local Communities?

Workshop description:  

Review and discussion of the implementation of a variety of programs and techniques to further enhance opportunities for small, local, minority, veteran, disabled and /or women-owned businesses to participate in local/state/federal government and private sector opportunities.

Expected Outcomes: 

a) Learn how to develop strategies to use local resources and cultivate untapped partnerships.

b) Learn the basic building blocks for developing and implementing a successful program

c) Learn how to identify and communicate with stakeholders needed for successful program development.

d) Learn how to create alternatives for internal implementation when the policy does not allow for SMWBE consideration in the proposal evaluation.

e) Learn how to develop programs and strategies to educate SMWBE on “How to Get in the Game and Stay in the Game.”

f) Learn how to implement strategies for SMWBE participation in multi-jurisdictional projects
