Build Your Buyer Personas

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Resource Partner event

Event description

What is a Buyer Persona? A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

Marketing to everyone the same way doesn’t work anymore. These in-depth personas help us relate to your customers uniquely and as real humans. Buyer personas can help you better understand who your customers are and how to best market to them.

The goals of this hands-on workshop include developing clear definitions of your typical buyers, a clear sense of the customer journey that customers take, and how to generate marketing strategy to start marketing to the right people.


Patty Ross has well over 20 years experience in marketing and has been in the online space since 1998 where she developed an e-commerce program for a gourmet gift company into a million dollar business.

She has coaching clients and full service clients in financial, legal, health and beauty, wine, motorsports, landscape design, cbd/cannabis, restaurants, transportation and logistics, political activism, non profits and more.

Golden State Marketing and her other business, California Wine Marketing, were founded in 2006. Patty enjoys speaking on various marketing topics to help business owners understand the importance of marketing their brand online and offline.


SF SCORE appreciates our sponsoring partners for our annual Small Business Gala: Platinum: Bank of San Francisco,  Silver: Umpqua Bank, Bronze: TMC Financing, Capital Access, and Fremont Bank. Join us next May for another Gala!
