So, You Want To Become A Food Truck Owner? Business Development Workshop

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1792 Tribute Road, Suite 455
Sacramento, CA 95815

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Genevieve Duque

Host organization

California Capital FDC WBC

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Food Truck Entrepreneurs Workshop: Turn Your Passion into Profit

Do you dream of sharing your culinary creations with the world?

The food truck industry is booming! Forget the 9-to-5 grind and become your own boss. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a passionate home cook, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge to make your food truck dream a reality.

This workshop is perfect for you if:

  • You're passionate about food and want to share it with others.
  • You're considering a career change and want to be your own boss.
  • You have a great food concept but don't know where to start.

What you'll learn:

  • Industry Insights: Explore the current state of the food truck scene in Northern California, focusing on the greater Sacramento region.
  • Business Essentials: Learn how to create a solid business plan, manage finances, and navigate permits and regulations.
  • Food Truck Life: Get a realistic picture of the daily operations, including time commitment, staffing, and menu planning.
  • Expert Advice: Gain invaluable knowledge from a panel of industry professionals, including:
  • Health Department representative
  • Insurance Specialist
  • Marketing and Graphic designer Veteran
  • Top Sacramento food truck owner

Workshop Benefits:

  • Save Time & Gain Clarity: Get your specific questions answered by experienced professionals, avoiding the need for extensive research.
  • Actionable Knowledge: Walk away with a clear understanding of what it takes to run a successful food truck.
  • Masterclass in Success: Learn about essential topics like health code compliance, insurance options, marketing strategies, and menu development.
  • Free Guidebook: Take home a comprehensive workbook packed with insider tips and resources compiled by a food truck industry veteran.

Ready to take the first bite towards your food truck dream? Join us for this informative workshop and turn your passion into profit!



  • 9:30 am - Registration, welcome
  • 10 am - 3 pm - Panelist Presentations & Breakout sessions
  • 12:30 pm - Food Truck Lunch break


LOCATION: California Capital - 1792 Tribute Rd, Ste 455, Sacramento, CA 95815

PRICING $199.00 Early Bird (ends August 2) - $249 Regular Registration (after August 2)

Bring your ideas and an open mind. We look forward to helping you launch your future business!


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