Breaking Down GPTs: A Non-Coder's Guide To The AI Phenomenon!

Date and time





George Gremse

Host organization

SCORE Broward

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

This workshop, 'Breaking Down GPTs: A Non-Coder's Guide To The AI Phenomenon!', is a beginner-friendly journey into the world of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs), a type of artificial intelligence. It's perfect for people who aren't experts in coding but want to learn about the latest AI technology. We'll explore how GPTs work in simple terms and see how they've grown from basic models to the advanced AI we have today.

During the workshop, you'll learn about GPTs in a fun and easy-to-understand way. We'll talk about how these AI models are used in different areas, like writing stories, helping customers, and even making business decisions. It's not just about theory; we'll see real examples of how GPTs are changing the world.

By the end, you'll know all about GPTs and why they're so important in today's tech world. This workshop is all about getting you up to speed on one of the coolest and most powerful technologies out there. You'll leave with a great understanding of GPTs and how they're shaping our future."
